PALMETTO POEM: How to embrace and how to let go


For Jennifer Blum

By Worthy Branson Evans, special to Charleston Currents

00_icon_poemBuild a world around

a man standing at a window.

He doesn’t even have to be

a man.

He can even sit.

The window can be a mirror,

and it can be a wall.

The man can be

a waking woman

looking into a crack

in the plaster.

The woman can stand.

She can be a child

flushing a suction toilet

on a moving train.

A train can be

an Orient Express

and it can be

the regional route

from the Northeast.

A region can be flooded

and a woman can stand

to look over a pool of water

in a sodden backyard.

A child can break

the surface tension

with her dunking steps

The ground underneath

can be a sponge

and it can be grass

flowing as seaweed

Grass can be silt

from a higher region

that traveled

over a flood plain

into a yard where

a woman and

a child can look

from a window

of wet concrete

and say nothing

to the man

in the mirror

growing smaller

Originally published in Marked By The Water (Muddy Ford Press, 2016)

16-1205-evansWorthy Branson Evans, author of Green Revolver (USC Press, 2010), is a poet, artist, freelance writer and communications specialist for a Medicare contractor. He spent his high school and college years wandering Lowcountry landscapes and the streets of Charleston.  He now lives in Columbia.  On Facebook.


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